Radiology Spotters Collection

RGSearch : Search Radiology Articles and Presentations(Direct Link FREE PDF download)

If the search box does not appear above this line, use this direct link : Search Radiology Presentationsย 

Disclaimer: All content is freely available for download on the web. The search engine filters the noise and displays relevant results. None of the content is hosted on and the website does not verify and claims no responsibility for the search results


Customised search engine for radiology presentations and seminars
RGsearch : A customized search engine for radiology presentations and seminars!

As a resident, you are often lost in the plethora of search results that Google shows when searching for a reference presentation/article for a particular topic. Half of the results are irrelevant, and the rest are from paid journals you cannot access. I build this radiology search engine so that you do not waste time with irrelevant search results like these.


Presenting: RGsearch – A Radiology Search Engine!ย 

RGsearch is a curated customized Radiology search engine that filters the noise and gives specific results.

You can use this search engine to search for interdepartmental presentations and seminars. The search results are PDF files you can reference for preparing your PPTs. The best part is that the results will have DIRECT download links instead of going through the pain of looking at each result and then finding the download link!

You can call it Google on “radiology” steroids!

You can further search for specific modalities:

  • CT radiology presentations
  • MRI radiology presentations
  • Ultrasound radiology presentations

Here is an illustrative example:

Radiology Search engine example
Example of RG search!

There used to be a few good radiology search engines, but almost all have shut down.ย  A few examples include:

Yottalook – No longer accessible.

Yottalook Radiology Search Engine
Yottalook Radiology Search Engine

GoldMiner Search Engine by ARRS – Shut down.

ARRS Goldminer Radiology Search Engine
ARRS Goldminer Radiology Search Engine – Screenshot using Wayback Machine

Searching Radiology is a good website, but it does not narrow down the search results. You will get a similar results as you would get from a Google search.


RGSearch goes ahead and filters results from Google to include specific high-quality radiology journals such as the AJR and Radiographics, which are ideal for review-type articles while reporting. To make things easier, the search engine filters out results to show you ONLY direct PDF download links to save you time.

Try it, and let me know your thoughts in the comments below.


This page was last updated on Feb 25, 2024 @ 7:18 pm

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