Recommended Books
1st Year
- Core Radiology, Grainger and Allison
- Accidents and Emergencies: A Survival Guide
- Fundamentals of Skeletal Radiology (Helmโs)
- The Chest X-Ray: A Survival Guide
- Felson’s Principles Of Chest Roentgenology, A Programmed Text
- Practical Ultrasound: An illustrated Guide
- FRCR Physics Notes: Medical imaging physics for the First FRCR examination
- Christensenโs Physics of Diagnostic Radiology
- Weir & Abrahams’ Imaging Atlas of Human Anatomy
- RadioGyan Anatomy Modules
System Specific Books:
- Haaga CT and MRI of the Whole Body
- Thoracic Imaging: Pulmonary and Cardiovascular Radiology
- Neuroradiology – Essentials of Osborn’s Brain: A Fundamental Guide for Residents and Fellows
- MSK MRI – Musculoskeletal MRI – Helms.
- Breast – ACR BI-RADS
- Breast – Introduction to Breast Imaging Course.
- Fluoroscopy: Mayo Clinic Gastrointestinal Imaging Review
- Diagnostic Ultrasound – Rumack
- Doppler – Introduction to Vascular Ultrasonography
- Obstetrics: Callen , Fetal Medicine Foundation
- Diagnostic Imaging: Interventional Radiology
More book recommendations : Recommended Radiology Books (Updated 2022)
Exam Specific Books:
- Aiims-Mamc-Pgi’S Comprehensive Textbook Of Diagnostic Radiology
- Crack the Core
- Radiology Without Tears
- BCBR course and Exam for residents:
- RadioGyan Spotters Collection
- Telegram: Dr. Sanjay P Yadav Daily spotters
- The Radiologist Eye
- LearningRadiology
- X-ray Physics: Christensen, Farrโs
- FRCR Physics: Farr, FRCR Physics Notes: (Cafe Radiology)
- MRI in Clinical Practice
- Albert Einstein School of Medicine Videos on Youtube
Other Books (outside Radiology)
- Atomic Habits
- The Psychology of Money
- Show Your Work
- The Almanack of Naval Ravikant
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
- The 4-Hour Work Week
- Getting Things Done
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